Sentinel-3 Validation for Water Resources Protection (S3VAL)

S3VAL is a 2 year project funded by the Water Research Commission and led by CyanoLakes (Pty) Ltd. S3VAL will add to the South African contribution to the Sentinel-3 Validation Team as part of the Ocean and Land Colour Instrument commissioning phase.


The project aims are as follows:


To validate measurements of water colour (radiometry) and geophysical variables from the Sentinel- 3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument during instrument commissioning and afterwards


To collect high quality datasets from locally developed, autonomous moored platforms to be used for validation of satellite-based measurements and development and testing of geophysical retrieval algorithms


To build human capacity / expertise in water remote sensing to meet the demands of the private, public and research sector


To assess the data quality, absolute radiometric errors and the performance of standard atmospheric correction procedures of Sentinel-3 OLCI



The expected outcomes and impacts are as follows:


Improved confidence in water quality products derived from the future Sentinel-3 OLCI instrument for South African inland and marine water quality monitoring applications


Skills development in an area of international skills scarcity directly contributing to demands of the private sector for job creation


A significant contribution to the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-3 Validation campaign


Dissemination of project results through publications in high impact international journals


An investment in, and demonstration of, locally developed autonomous measurement technology for performing radiometric and geophysical validation of satellite instruments


For more information contact Dr. Mark Matthews using the website contact form.

